Wednesday, 28 August 2013

The Rain

It's raining outside
These beautiful things
shining through my tears
will feel the drops
but never know my fears
how could they if I don't?

Rain drops
Falling from the trees
into the sky
and you never ask why
ignore the dots in the sky
they're not there

Rain falls
on tattooed tough guys
littering sidewalks with spit
say they're trying to quit
cigs for the sixth time
and he's tired of lie
tied together to hide
his head when he cries
from better eyes

It's raining outside
Slight stirrings before sunrise
split seconds of conscientiousness

before slipping into a sea of dreams
I always have the most vivid dreams

while the sun is rising

It's raining outside
but not in here
not in my head not in my head

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

You know what hurts?

When someone suddenly starts acting distant with you, for no reason. When things suddenly changed without any explanation. When a certain routine stops out of nowhere, and you're just kinda stuck in a situation where you don't know what to do, whether to move on and forget about everything because it looks like that the other person did it so easily or to confront them.

Friday, 23 August 2013

this poem is dedicated to

the people who look in the mirror
and think I'm not good enough

the people who guard themselves
with walls higher than the empire state buildin

the people who don't need water
to feel like they're drowning

the people who are in love
but no loved in return

the people who have feelings
that can't be forgotten

the people who have thoughts more tangled
than the headphones in my pocket

This poem is dedicated to

all the people who are human
but still strive for impossible perfection

you are not alone


Thursday, 15 August 2013

A letter

dear depression,

you need to leave me alone already. everyday you're screaming at me and telling me how terrible i am. you make me replay every mistake i've ever made. and you humiliate me on a daily basis. you've made it impossible to be happy. or have any  connection with my friends and family. i am so sick of you controlling me. the sooner you leave the better off i will be. don't come back either. i never want you to be apart of my life again. i hate you. and i hate myself for ever letting you in my head.



There are two types of sadness

there's that kind
that i want to get rid of
so i watch friends
listen to happy music 
find someone to talk to

then there's 
the other one
when you know you're sad
but you want to
isolate yourself
and just drown 
in the pool of emotions
listen to sad music
read quotes about life
drink tea
basically just feel empty.


Sunday, 11 August 2013


I think I am a wallflower.
Someone who observes life instead of experiencing it
A good listener who doesn't judge
Socially awkward
Not many friends
I'm the type that does well in school
I stay up all night to finish an amazing book
I love art but I'm horrible at creating it
I love boy bands and old music
I'd like to think I'm a nice person
But who am I kidding
I'm crazy
I fell hopelessly in love with this guy
Who couldn't accept me
I grew tired of being normal
So I quit because I like me.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Dear diary,

The urges came back
I'm feeling the darkness
consuming me
and it hurts
I thought I would
beat it this time
but I didn't 
I am not strong enough
I never was.

I slide a blade
through my skin
and what scares me
is that it feels
so much better
than before.



I could write all night.
But I could never put into words
how I feel about you.

Or how you make me feel
                                  So alive.
Nothing I say can do my feelings justice.
All I know is whenever you're around,
I feel better about everything.


Friday, 2 August 2013


Criticism never changes a thing. Accept yourself as you are. Everybody changes, and when you criticize yourself, your changes are negative. When you approve of yourself, your changes are postive.

Stop terrorizing yourself with your thoughts. Find a mental image that gives you pleasure and immediately switch your scary thought to a pleasure thought.

Be hatred is only hating your own thoughts. Don't hate yourself for having the thoughts, but gently change your thoughts.

Criticism breaks down the inner spirit. Praise builds it up. Tell yourself how well you're doing with every little thing.

Find ways to support yourself. Reach out to friends and allow them to help you. It shows strength to ask for help.

Acknowledge that you created them to fulfill a need. As you find new, positive ways to fulfill those needs, you can release the old negative patterns.

Learn about nutrition. What kind of fuel does your body need to have optimum energy and vitality? Learn about exercise. What kind of exercise can you enjoy? Cherish and revere the person you are.

Look into your eyes often. Express this growing sense of love you have for yourself. Forgive yourself while looking into the mirror. Talk to your parents looking into the mirror. Forgive them, too. At least once a day say "I love you."

Don't wait until you get well, lose the weight, or get the new job, or the new relationship. Begin now - do the best you can.