Thursday, 16 May 2013

The End

Who ever thought it'd get this far?
I guess I just lost track of time
We had some fun
And we became friends
But everything dies eventually
So why don't you just die already
You really want to know more about me?
What's to say?
I prefer it dark than day
I am allied with dislike of day
We live on a floating rock
Surrounded by seemingly endless darkness
These words aren't what I took from you
I was born like this
To serve a purpose
To bring you down a peg or two
To everyone else our bitter hatred seems irrational
Well we aren't everyone else
So why can't you just seem to accept
That you were wrong and I was right
I have won and you have lost
Because you forced me away
And now I know it shouldn't have gotten this far
So I ask, how did it get this far in the first place?

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