Busy people..
Oh so busy people..
You step real hard when you walk real fast
With your busy scowls on your busy faces
Making busy wrinkles in your busy forehead
From thinking all those
Wondrous.. and
Busy thoughts..
Damn sho too busy to
Make small talk.. or
Ask about.. or
Even be pleasant to
Us regular people..
Oh so busy..
Would make an old man wait for 6 hours
For the answer to a 5 minute question..
Cuz you busy..
Too busy to even answer the phone
Especially.. If you know who's callin'..
Sho too busy.. Way too busy..
To answer
For the likes of me.. or even him.. cuz
That's not what you busy people do..
We should all
Just be happy
To have your
Wondrous.. and
Special.. and
Busy self
To be
Ignored by
But Oh Mr. Busy..
One day..
You will look up from you busy-ness.. and
Find that there are
No more some bodies
To step past real hard.. or
To dismiss.. as unimportant
With your busy scowl and busy wrinkled forehead
No more callers
To ignore.. or un-pleasantries to share
Cuz you, yourself, have gotten
Unpleasantly old
And every body else
Is just too busy..
Carla Marie
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