I posted this image on twitter, and she replied me all this :
"i know you did self harm before, your tumblr says everything."
"i'm sorry okay. it's just that i dont like it. i'm sorry, i'm truly sorry."
"sorry couldnt mend everything. benda dah lepas kan. cuma satu jeh, awak buat self harm ni awak dah tak ingat allah ke?"
"kalau awak kecewa sangat, kenapa tak mengadu dekat allah? dia lagi pendengar yang baik? kalau awak harapkan orang macam kita nak jadi listener"
"memang hampeh lah."
"nak selesaikan masalah bukan macam ni. and i'm really sorry. i'm sorry."
Okay, first of all, let me get you this, that picture isn't mine. It's my friend's. And i didn't do this type of self harm. For me, at least i punch the wall for several times, then i'm okay. Coz, it will give me internal injury so people can't see and dont know what really happened. She thought i've lost my mind and forgot about God. i'm not! Well, i'm kinda have a bipolar disorder. Now i'm looking for 'the old me', which is she's very ego, stubborn and etc. I have reasons why i'm looking for the old me. Btw, in this case, i only apologized to her one time only. I know i shouldn't do this, but as i said i'm really ego. I can say sorry, but people will aspect me insincere. But, once i said i'm sorry, i really meant it.
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